10 Films That Showcase India In Different Ways


Royalty may be redundant, but the rich nostalgia of grandeur, tradition and history it conjures still holds attraction.

Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s striking Eklavya marries the sacrifice-at-all-costs archer philosophy (from the Mahabharata) in a contemporary context against a rotting royal family of Rajasthan and questions the ethics of blood over blue blood.

Its opulent production design doesn’t distract from the underlining commentary on inheritance politics, prevailing caste system and old-school servitude.

Munnabhai MBBS

Munnabhai MBBS’s ‘medicine cures but affection heals’ ideology may find some of its roots in Patch Adams, starring the late lamented Robin Williams.

But the ‘jadoo ki jhappi’ concept Sanjay Dutt inherits from his screen mom Rohini Hattangady and passes on to every needy in sight is purely desi at heart.

As is Munnabhai’s tapori lingo that celebrates the colourful slang spoken in Mumbai’s zany culture like no one else.

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